隨著業務彈性成為優先要務,如今是時後從單獨的備份、復原與網路安全解決方案切換至多合一的 AI 型資料與威脅防護平台 Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud。這就是為何當您從其他備份與復原或網路安全切換至 Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 時,Acronis 會限時提供一項特別促銷 – 現有合約剩餘時間的全額補助*。

MSP 選擇 Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 的三大理由

#1. 整合式資料保護與網路安全

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 提供 MSP 所需的 AI 型多合一資料防護和網路安全,確保其客戶的業務能永續發展。能在業界最廣泛的應用程式、資料庫、工作負載與端點上進行快速、完整映像、檔案層級與持續資料防護 (CDP) 備份及復原作業。與 AI 型主動式防惡意軟體、勒索軟體和挖礦劫持防護整合在一起。

#2. 專為 MSP 量身打造,獨到的設計讓其客戶能保持正常營運

隨用隨付。首先是多合一資料防護與網路安全平台,其整合了最熱門的 RMM、PSA 和市場解決方案。在資料防護、安全性、管理,以及檔案同步和共用中加入進階式服務,協助拓展您的業務。

#3. 彈性定價,為您創造更大的利潤

單一平台、主控台及代理程式。簡單卻強大,不同於其他備份、復原與網路安全解決方案,您再也不需要使用有多個主控台、代理程式和授權的產品了。加上我們提供的彈性定價,為 MSP 創造更大的利潤。


James Erby
Acronis Solutions Engineer

Having been with Acronis 6 years now, James Erby helps align the appropriate data protection & cyber security software to meet the needs of our partners’ environments. He is responsible for working with potential and current partners to demonstrate Acronis software and you will often find James regularly hosting product knowledge and technical training seminars. During non-Covid times, he's on the road educating people about Acronis software solutions
Stephen Nichols
Sr. Solutions Engineer at Acronis

Stephen is passionate about technology and innovation. During his career, he has held various roles in: Sales, Sales Engineering and Professional Services; with a focus on SaaS based solutions for multiple market segments and verticals. Primarily focused on technical engagements to discover and understand the partner requirements and provide solutions.

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